At school we are learning about Fundamental Movement
Skills (FMS). FMS are the basic skills children need to develop, to participate
in games and sport. Having these skills is an essential part of enjoyable
participation and a life long interest in being physically active. For children
to be competent and confident in these skills requires a partnership between school
and home.
This year our schools is involved in a FMS programme,
and will be regularly practising FMS. As part of this your child will learn
verbal cues for each skill they are learning. Giving your child encouragement
to share these with you, will help them consolidate their learning.
Experiences should be fun and positive for all. The following information is here to help you
and your child/ren on the journey to be become successful participants in
This term we are learning about Dodge
Dodging involves quickly moving the body in a
different direction to the original line of movement. These movements are
important in games such as basketball, football, netball, touch and in
activities such as tiggy and general play to avoid collisions.
To support your child in their learning try the following
fun activities:
- Get Away – moving with a partner to get around them
- Tiggy
- Dodge the dog, or objects around the house
This term we are learning about Catching
Catching is vital to play most sports such as baseball,
netball, football, rugby and basketball, as well as many playground games and
activities. When learning to catch, a large, soft ball is recommended.
To support your child in their learning try the following
fun activities:
- Partner Catching
- Clap and Catch – throwing the ball up it to the air, clap as many
times as you can before you catch it
- Family balloon batting and catching
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